The solution concept: Customized software for your business potential

In today's digital world, customized software is a crucial factor in unlocking a company's full business potential. At Das 369 Studio, we offer you a comprehensive solution concept that is individually customized to your needs. Our goal is to work with you to develop a software solution that optimizes your business processes and possibly defines new business models.


Why you should read this article:

You will learn how a customized solution concept can optimize your business processes and advance the digital transformation of your company. This article shows you how targeted planning and innovative software can increase your efficiency and ensure long-term success.

Why a solution concept?

A detailed solution concept is the cornerstone for the success of any software project. It forms the basis for effective and efficient implementation by defining clear goals and requirements. Here are some of the key benefits that our solution concept offers your company:

  • Foundation for effective implementation: By developing the solution concept together, we ensure that all relevant aspects of your business model and IT infrastructure are taken into account. This enables a targeted and structured approach to the project, maximizing efficiency.


  • Clarity and precision: A well-thought-out solution concept ensures that we know exactly what needs to be done to achieve your goals. This reduces the risk of misunderstandings and ensures that everyone involved is on the same page. This enables us to implement the requirements precisely and ensure that the solutions developed meet your expectations.


  • Error prevention and risk minimization: Through detailed planning and clear specifications in the solution concept, potential errors and misunderstandings can be avoided in advance. This not only saves time, but also nerves.


  • Time and cost savings: A well-thought-out solution concept helps to optimize the development process and avoid unnecessary effort. This means that projects can be completed more quickly and cost-efficiently. The investment in creating a solution concept pays off in many ways.


What does the solution concept include?

The solution concept includes a comprehensive analysis and planning that helps you achieve your digital goals. We start by examining your current situation to get an accurate picture of your existing business processes and IT structures. On this basis, we define the target state - how your company should look and function after the software has been implemented.

In the workshops, we work together to develop the specific requirements for the software. We differentiate between functional and non-functional requirements to ensure that all aspects are covered - from the required features to performance and security requirements. Initial mockups give you a visual impression of the future solution.

The technical solution concept forms the core of the document. It describes the technology stack, the system architecture and the data model. We also develop a documentation concept that ensures that all technical details are understandable and well documented.

Another important component of the solution concept is the project management concept. Here we define the development methodology, create a project schedule and determine the test strategy and quality assurance measures. Potential risks are identified and appropriate risk management measures are planned.

Finally, we estimate the scope of the project and the associated costs and provide you with a concrete offer for the development of the software.

The process: your vision becomes reality

Our process for creating a solution concept is intensive and collaborative. Over 2-4 weeks, we work closely with you to ensure we fully understand your needs and goals. Here is an overview of our process:

Kick-off meeting: 

We start with a kick-off meeting in which we discuss the project goals and expectations.


In two workshops we analyze your current situation, identify business requirements and discuss possible solutions.

Analysis and documentation:

Based on the workshops, we create a detailed analysis and document the requirements and solutions in a comprehensive solution concept.


We present you the finished solution concept and discuss all the details to ensure that it meets your expectations

Your partner for digital transformation

With our solution concept, we lay the foundation for your successful digital transformation. We accompany you from the first idea to the finished solution and beyond. Let's develop your business potential together, optimize your business processes and possibly define new business models. Contact us today to find out more about our solution concept and take the first step towards a successful digital future.

Here's the digital future